Marriage Counseling and Relationship Skills
Does being happily married really involve hard work?
Why not learn how to feel really great about yourself, your partner, and communication skills?
With over 35 years of experience of sitting with people and listening to their stories, the number one concern has always been the condition of their relationships. Relationship challenges are ultimately about making connections with others and it can be argued that your entire quality of life depends on how healthy those connections are. I provide online via secure video couples and marriage counseling in the Kirkland, Bellevue, and Eastside area.
Tired of talking?
Have you tried talking to your spouse or partner about relationship issues but the “right words” just don’t seem to come? Or any attempt to communicate breaks down into yet another fight or argument that leaves you both exhausted and resentful? Maybe no matter what you do or how hard you try, it just isn’t good enough. Would you like to discover more effective ways to communicate with your partner or spouse? Wouldn’t it be better to feel that you can talk about anything together AND wouldn’t it be good to have the tools required to put things right between you?
A better way: Learning skills and real ways to connect with your partner
Most of my clients have been faced with the above questions. Perhaps you have wondered about the answers as well. Clients have found my work together helped them realize the hidden potential in their relationships. Wouldn’t it be exciting to have your potential work for you and strengthen your relationships? If it is there, I can help you discover this potential and teach you how to harness it to you and your partner’s benefit.
Willingness Works
Research shows us that most troubled couples wait an average of 6 years too long to find a therapist that can help. Many times, this is the difference between losing your relationship or saving it. If you are ready, please reach out and call me as this could be the first step toward relationship health.
When Change May Be Impossible
Most people are unaware of all the reasons they choose their partners. If your early relationships (parent-child) were positive, you will unconsciously recreate a similar version and have a good marriage. However, if your parent-child relationship lacked consistent positive secure attachment, it is easy to overlook aspects about your intended love that could be a problem. If you struggle with low self-esteem or difficulty communicating, it is likely that your partner also struggles.
There are times when one partner simply cannot or will not make the commitment to change. This may be seen in a refusal to be in therapy sessions with you. If your partner blames you for the problems in the marriage, it may be an indicator that individual therapy is needed for you. After all therapy is an experience of knowing oneself. Learning new communication styles and problem solving are helpful but the core of the problems most couples experience is lack of connection with each other.
But what if my partner, spouse, or significant other does not want to come to therapy with me?
Individual therapy sessions work and are very often a completely effective and appropriate way to understand and work on any relationship concerns you may have. Bringing in your spouse or partner is not always necessary. There are many paths to help. I schedule both individual and couples’ appointments. I also welcome those seeking pre-marital counseling.
I look forward to speaking with you about your relationship concerns. Please reach out and contact me. I am available for online sessions.